Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 1 of Collaborate

Well, here is it the beginning of day two of Collaborate'10. Day one I attended a couple of SSD and ASM presentations and helped setup and man the TMS booth. The presentations I attended didn't thrill me so much but they were interesting in the way that they showed the level of understanding in the Oracle community about SSD and ASM usages.

One problem was that the first presentation about SSDs and Oracle on DELL servers and storage didn't give any hard numbers, but instead the presenter (or perhaps DELL) decided to present normalize numbers. This means that the values are normalized to the worst value (in this case the hard SAS drive latency and IOPS) and the other values are reported as they relate to that number ( a percentage). As a possible buyer of the technology I would want hard numbers to compare to rather than normalized numbers, but then maybe I am odd that way.

The second presentation dealt with ASM and load balancing. Unfortunately it didn't do too deep a dive and didn't cover much anything that wasn't in the manual. Maybe I am jaded.

The booth setup went well and we had many people come by to talk performance and real numbers on the RamSan SSDs. We have the RamSan630 here for demos, it is the latest of the TMS RamSan line offering up to 10 terabytes of capacity with 80 microsecond writes and 250 microsecond reads (no I didn't get that reversed!) and with a full set of fibrechannel cards, 500,000 IOPS.

Today I will be presenting in the mini-theater on "Oracle and SSDs" at 1pm. I will also be participating in the Oracle RAC Tuning Panel at 4pm, see you there! Other than that I will be either attending interesting presentations or at the booth.

Come by and see us! We are booth 1645.

Mike Ault

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