Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Part of my duties (Mike here) at TMS is managing the Statspack Analyzer website. The website management mostly consists of reviewing comments in the forum there and analyzing the Statspacks and AWRs that it can't handle. What things can cause a report not to able to be handled by the website? Let's look at them.

1. The report contains Oracle generated errors
2. The report is in HTML format
3. The parser for one reason or another can't handle the report format

The first situation generates an error 4 code back to the user that states an Oracle error has occurred. This means that it found an Oracle error in the report, not that the site has an error. Usually this happens with Oracle10g or newer Statspack reports and it is from this bit of error stack somewhere in the report:

truncate table STATS$TEMP_SQLSTATS
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

If you remove that bit of error, your report will process in the parser just fine.

The next problem is that the parser for now can only handle text reports generated as text by the spreport.sql or awrrpt.sql scripts. It cannot handle HTML converted to text by a HTML converter. These SQL scripts for generating the reports are located in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin (or the equivalent on Windows) and can be run by any user from SQLPLUS that has DBA privileges. Do not spool the output, it must be the output text-based file generated by the script. The scripts, unless you tell them to do otherwise, will dump the reports into the directory from which you run the particular SQL script. Then you simply cut and past the text from the report into the window on the StatspackAnalyzer site. Afraid we can't as yet take the new RAC based, multi-instance reports.

The final thing which can prevent use of the site is if your report for one reason or another deviates from the standard Statspack or AWR reports, for example, if you have set some of the optional reporting features in the Statspack or AWR setup tables or have customized the report output in anyway this can result in a report the parser doesn't recognize. Another issue can be that you are sending in a report that is just too new. Unfortunately we can't always keep the site up to date with all the new reports Oracle comes out with, but please give us time!

So, if for some reason, after looking this over and making any corrections on your side of the fence that are needed to your AWR or Statspack reports they still won't process, send them on in using the link on the StatspackAnalyzer website and I will take a look and give you my recommendations.

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