Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Flash Over Disk

Since the test with a flash utility against an internal PCIe Flash card proved inconclusive I decided to have the lab hook up some disks and re-run the tests using a disk array containing 24-10k 300gb disks for the tables and indexes. The DB_CACHE_SIZE was increased to 50gb and the DB_FLASH_CACHE_SIZE was set to 300gb. Figure 1 shows the results for a disk array with and without a 300gb flash cache.

Figure 1: Disk verse Disk plus Flash Cache Performance

As you can see from reviewing the graph, the Flash cache definitely helped performance at the all levels of our user range. It also showed that with the same hardware the sustained performance increase could be extrapolated to a larger number of users so in the case of using flash cache with disks, yes, performance is gained.

While running this test I had indication that over 160 gigabytes of data blocks were cached in the flash cache. Figure 2 shows the SQL script used to determine flash usage for a single user and Figure 3 shows an example of its output during test runs.

set lines 132 pages 55
col object format a45
select owner||'.'||object_name object,
sum(case when b.status like 'flash%' then 1 end) flash_blocks,
sum(case when b.status like 'flash%' then 0 else 1 end) cache_blocks,
count(*) total_cached_blocks
from v$bh b join dba_objects o
on (objd=object_id)
where owner = upper('&owner')
group by owner, object_name
order by owner,4 asc;

Figure 2: SQL Script to see cached objects for an owner

Figure 3: Example use of Flash Cache
Just to put things in perspective, let’s put the top pure-Flash database results against these disk and Flash cache results. Look at Figure 4.

Figure 4: Flash only, Disk Only and Disk plus Flash Cache Results

In reviewing Figure 4 you should first note it is a logarithmic plot, which means that for each change on the left axis there is a factor of 10 change. This figure shows that using pure flash far outperforms even the best we can expect from a combination of flash and disk: in this case by nearly a factor of 7. The peak performance we obtained from our disk combined with a Flash cache was 1024 TPS, while the peak we obtained in our flash tests was over 7000 TPS. Even in previous testing with larger disk arrays, the peak performance I obtained from disk arrays was only in the 2000 TPS range, again showing that SSD technology is superior to any equivalent disk array.

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